
There is no risk-free operation in international trade. From this perspective, there are operations with reduced risks and more efficient management. Our practice comprises the structuring and legal management of the company’s entire business cycle, in addition to its operation.

We suggest and implement strategic options, from input procurement to manufacturing and international distribution. Examples are decisions on make-or-buy, exclusivity clauses, stipulation of royalties, structuring of contract manufacturing, and licensing of all kinds.

We cover the risks associated with partners (due diligence) and their deliveries, specific clauses in the contract for the assumption or exclusion of operational risks (including default, force majeure and early termination of the commercial relationship), and we take care of the management of the termination of the contract.

With experience and practical perspective, we advise the client and execute the most appropriate strategy for all their business operations:

= international commercial sales contracts

= bank guarantees of delivery, on-demand payment, letters of credit, advances, sureties

= insurance contracts and protection against transport risks, product risk and force majeure risks

= supply and ongoing operations contracts, such as contracts for the purchase and sale of raw material, services and consultancy

= local and international distribution agreements, with and without exclusivity, including representation, agency and commission

= made-to-order contracts and contract manufacturing, including licensing of trademarks, patents and designs, and international sales.

In addition to the commercial operation, we solve problems generated by conflicts and disputes associated with commerce. We offer an effective approach to credit negotiation and recovery:

= recovery of claims and disputes relating to payments

= problems with late deliveries and lack of product quality

= non-compliance with commercial contractual terms.

We do not limit ourselves to seeking conciliation, mediation, negotiation and arbitration of commercial disputes, as there are situations in which the only way is through the courts. If necessary, we have experience in legal litigation also in the civil and tax areas.