
The client’s brand identifies, distinguishes, and positions his product. Client’s cutting-edge technology is his competitive advantage. Both constitute innovation in the business and require a strategy for registration, protection and security, especially in international operations.

The absence of care or strategy in the management of innovation, whether by trademarks, patents or secrets, not only causes problems to the business but can destroy it. On the other hand, there is now funding available to finance this management, allowing adequate protection of assets.

For trademarks and logos, we perform the following activities:

= advice on the name, design and viability of the brand

= feasibility analysis of registration for selected classes and countries

= implementation of a registration plan and conduction of the process in the competent authorities

= monitoring of the use of the brand by the client and its partner abroad

= monitoring and risk management of rights violations by third parties

= Drafting and registration of licensing and use authorization agreements.

For technological innovations and patents, we carry out the following activities:

= preliminary analysis of the innovation with a technical team to identify novelties and patentability

= elaboration of options for informed and strategic decision on whether to maintain the innovation as an industrial secret or to register as a patent in the countries of reference for the client.

= Conduct of the patent application process upon preliminary confirmation of compliance with local requirements

= Drafting and registration of licensing and technology transfer agreements in order to meet legal and tax requirements.

We monitor the licensing of trademarks and technology to and from third parties, as well as whether their use is as contractually established, with evidence and documentation. We defend clients in court and in negotiations when their intellectual property rights are violated by third parties.